Workshops, Training and Development

IIR collaborated with Industry and technology leaders to provide a high end technology training and development to the faculty and students for their skill development, professional enhancements with placements assistance.


* Training for each module
* Hands on Session
* One to One computing
* Supporting with technical and Academic experts
* Demo and Exercise
* Soft Copy and Hard copy of study Materials
* Certification

Courses we are offered

* Certificate Course on Digital Media Publishing Tools (30Hours )
* Certificate in Fundamentals of Data Science ( 30 Hours )
* Certificate in Fundamentals of Data Analytics ( 30 Hours )
* Certificate in Python programming ( 30 Hours )
* Certificate in R Programming (30Hours )
* Certificate in Machine Learning (30Hours )
* Certificate in Dashboard creation using data studio (30Hours )
* Certificate in tableau for data analysis (30Hours )
* Certificate in power bi for data analytics (30Hours )
* Certificate in R for data analytics (30Hours )
* Certificate in Microsoft Excel (30Hours )
* Certificate in Microsoft office (30Hours )
* Certificate in Effective Presentation using PowerPoint (30Hours )
* Diploma in Data Science ( 150 Hours )
* Diploma in Machine Learning ( 150 Hours )
* Diploma in Deep Learning ( 150 Hours )
* Post Graduate Diploma in Data Science ( 450 Hours )
* Post Graduate Diploma in Machine Learning ( 450 Hours )


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